100% of your donation goes to Hobor, all administrative costs administrative are covered by the board of directors.
Thank you very much for your support. Your membership fees and donations are exclusively used directly on site and currently for the construction and equipment of the school. After the opening of the school, the donations will be used to ensure the operation of the school, for example by paying teachers and buying materials.
one-time or standing order
Zusammen für Ghana e.V.
Deutsche Skatbank.
IBAN: DE71 8306 5408 0004 2516 36 BIC: GENO DEF1 SLR
If you need a donation receipt, please include your address or contact us directly!
Help that arrives 100% directly on site
All members of our association work on a voluntary basis. Administrative costs, such as bank, transfer and website fees or advertising costs are fully covered by the board. Thus, every donation is used exclusively for the project on site without any deductions. Take a look at the donation path here.
All donations and membership fees are tax deductible
With the notice of the tax office Hannover-Nord of 11.09.2020 the compliance with the statutory requirements according to §§ 51, 59, 60 and 61 AO was determined. The association is therefore entitled to issue donation receipts for donations and membership fees. The tax number of the corporation "Zusammen für Ghana e.V." is 25/207/22899.
This is what we can do with your donation:
cost the school materials for a child
cost two school desks with table
cost the school uniforms for 10 children
cost approx. the sanitary facilities for the school
Monthly donations ensure the operation of the school:
monthly costs for the supply of water for a class
monthly cost of a child's lunch
monthly cost for a sponsorship
monthly salary for a teacher
Schenke uns Planungssicherheit durch monatliche Spenden
Eine monatliche Spende erleichtert uns sehr die Finanzierungsplanung unseres Projektes. So können wir die Gelder bereits im voraus besser kalkulieren. Beispielsweise haben wir dadurch nach dem Schulstart einen riesigen Vorteil bei der Planung der monatlichen Schulfinanzierung. Monatliche Spenden sichern so den Betrieb der Schule. Wir sind daher sehr dankbar für jeden eingerichteten Dauerauftrag! Ob 2,50€, 5€,10€ oder 20€, deine Unterstützung hilft uns sehr! Auch freuen wir uns über jedes neue Vereinsmitglied, das unser Projekt kontinuierlich mitträgt.
This is how 100% of your donation goes to our project
Donation Account Ghana
Association "Kinder Zentrum International"
Wire transfer
Wire transfer
Donation receipt on request
Donation Account Germany
Association "Zusammen für Ghana e.V."
Donation Path
Our project
School in Hobor
Construction, equipment and maintenance of the school
Wir freuen uns sehr über jede Spende und danken Euch ganz herzlich für die Unterstützung!